Saturday, July 28, 2007

A new wooden screen door.

Last summer we ripped out the old and ugly aluminum screen door that was too short for the front door. I sanded and painted the existing wooden door and we have lived without a screen door until today.

Over the last 2 weeks or so I have been building a screen door. I used poplar, biscuits and glue for the joinery and lost-wax cast steel hardware and hinges from Lee Valley for a little extra design.

I painted the door white and the hardware black and hung the door today. The end result is nice. It transforms the inside of the house letting in a ton of light and air and hints to a time when my grandmother used to yell at me "don't slam the screen door".

This door has a more gentle bump to it then my grandmother's door did but I imagine as the hinges loosen up and the weather stripping thins it will only be a matter of time until I am yelling out "stop slamming the screen door!."

Now we will just have to wait and see how that biscuit and glue "joinery" holds up to all that slamming.

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