Monday, July 9, 2007

Kite festival

The Kite Festival, created by The Kite, sort of happened in Spencer Smith Park (where else?) this past Sunday.

The weather was a bit wonky and so the event was not much to look at. There were some kids attempting to fly hand-made orange garbage bag kites in the rain and humidity. There were some cool kites in the waterfront centre (left) and a really hyper guy who whipped through a PowerPoint on the history of kites - I think he was nervous. This was our first experience with this event and the kids and I were a little crestfallen at the lack of buzz. Seems to me it could be a really cool event.

Later in the evening we biked to the Music Centre bandstand in Central Park (no not that Central Park silly this one.) and listened to some old big band music as part of the Music in the Park series.The band, made up by a primarily senior membership, had lots of enthusiasm if not musical ability. Too bad it was cut short by a non-functioning sound system and looming thunder clouds - hey maybe they were related?

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