Thursday, July 5, 2007

New rail line and platform

The Burlington GO train station is getting a new platform and rail line. I have been following the snail like construction for the last few months and it looks like they may be done before the snow files again.

As far as I can tell (there are no artist renderings anywhere) the whole platform looks like it will get some sort of shelter doohickey. This will be a very welcome retreat on those cold and blustery winter mornings when we all huddle together for warmth waiting for the switches to get unstuck and the wayward 6:35 train to roll in at 7 or so.

The biggest benefit for the folks traveling homeward from Union Station on the 5:02 is that we will no longer have to wait, up to 10 minutes some days, for the east bound train to leave Burlington. If all works according to plan we should be able to just roll-in like all of the other station stops. I can tell you that there is nothing more frustrating than being slow close to home that you can feel it only to be stopped up at the last minute for an empty train heading in to Union Station. Somewhat frustrating to say the least.

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