Sunday, August 24, 2008

Good day for riding although the rain was a bit intense

Loaded up the bikes today (first time using the bike carrier) and went for a nice ride at the Dundas Valley Conservation area on the rail trail bike path. This was our first time riding there and I must say it was fantastic. Heading west from the trail centre is a nice gentle uphill on fine crushed gravel - apparently you can ride all the way to Paris Ontario.

Today though we only went to the second road crossing (sulphur spring road I think) before we turned around for 2 reasons. 1) the Sprogs were whiny after 15 minutes and 2) a thunderstorm was threatening.

So we turned around and glided downhill back to the trail centre. Young sprog (age 6) and I kept riding for another km or so before the skies really opened up and we were royally drenched. The young one managed to fly uphill though especially considering he is a fairly tall lad on a 12 inch wheeled bike with no speeds. Pretty impressive.

I think maybe it is time to step up to a better bike - he took a spin on one of these today at Brant Cycle and his birthday is coming up so maybe the time has come to fork over the dough...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Why did it take so long

Just got wireless for the 4 year old laptop - why did I wait so long considering I am in the web world. Now I get to work out by the fish pond.

Nice baby really nice.

Summer winds down

The last full week of summer is fast approaching and fall is in the air. The early mornings are chilly and our big maple tree is even starting to turn red and lose its leaves.

Where does the time go.